30 Minute Class £7.40 per class £18.50 per month
45 Minute Class £9.40 per class £23.50 per month
60 Minute Class £11.80 per class £29.50 per month
Fees and Payment Details
Payment for classes
Payments are taken by GoCardless Direct Debit.
Joining Fee
We do not charge a joining fee for new students.
Re-joining Fee
If you recently left Red Shoes, then we may charge a small re-joining fee to cover administration.
There is no re-joining fee if you left Red Shoes more than two terms ago.
If you left two terms ago, the re-joining fee is £20.
If you left in just the previous term, then the re-joining fee is £30.
Monthly payment
We set up your Direct Debit payment which is paid monthly across the year.
It is calculated as: Class Price x 10 (classes per term) x 3 (terms per year) ÷ 12 (months)
For example, for our 30 minute class it would be
(£7.40 x 10 x 3) ÷ 12 = £18.50 per month
We take payment throughout the year in order to keep your monthly cost as low as possible.
Leaving Red Shoes
Notice Period
As per our Terms and Conditions we require written notice (email or letter) to be given during term time if you decide to leave.
As soon as you have informed us of your decision to leave we will start your Notice Period.
For students who joined before 1 September 2024 – The notice period is 4 weeks.
For students joining after 1 September 2024 – The notice period is 8 weeks.
During the Notice Period
Further (future) monthly payments will be taken during the Notice Period
The class places for the student will remain open for them to continue to attend during the Notice Period
At the end of the Notice Period
Your Direct Debit is halted and no further payment is required